CATERPILLAR “CENTENNIAL ANTHEM” | Commercial | Producer | Makers Productions USA
PEPSICO “DIGIN” | Commercial | Producer | Makers Productions USA
BECOMING A ROSE | Docu-Short Film | Producer | Green Room Studio & Pass the Butter
DINNERS WITH DEMAR FT. DAMIAN LILLARD | Series | Producer | Podium Pictures
CITY OF CHICAGO “CYCLE BREAKERS” | Commercial | Producer | Paradise.Co
BETMGM “TOM BRADY & VINCE VAUGHN SUPER BOWL AD” "| Photoshoot | 1st AD | Camp Productions
FROEDTERT HOSPITAL “HEART AND VASCULAR” | Commercial | Production Manger | Allies & Co.
DINNERS WITH DEMAR FT. DEMAR DEROZAN | Series | Producer | Podium Pictures
CSL PLASMA “Untitled” | Commercia| | Producer | Tiny Giant
BRACH’S “HALLOWEEN” | Commercia| | Producer | Tiny Giant
WALMART “LEGACY OF THE SEA” | Branded | Producer | UnderHill
MERIDIAN HEALTH “AWARENESS” | Commercial | Producer | Paradise, Co.
FRIDA FERTILITY “LAUNCH VIDEO” | Commercial | Production Manager | PDK Films
FROEDTERT HOSPITAL “TOURISM” | Commercial | Production Manager | Hammer
BRACH’S “VALENTINES & EASTER CAMPAIGN” | Commercia| | Producer | Tiny Giant
WACO THEATER “5 YEAR RECAP” GALA VIDEO | Advertising | Executive Producer | Film Tour
WAYFAIR “KELLY CLARKSON COLLECTION” | Photoshoot & Commercia| 1st AD | CAMP Productions
CARLE HOSPITAL NETWORK “COUNT ON CARLE” | Commercial | Producer | Paradise, Co.
DICK’S SPORTING GOODS “SPORTS MATTER” | Commercial | Producer | Art Class
PETA “IN EVERY PACKAGE OF CHICKEN…” | Commercial | Producer | Great Guns USA
BETMGM “ 2022 CAMPAIGN” | Photoshoot | Coordinator | CAMP Productions
GENRE FILMS (2021-2022) | Executive Assistant to Simon Kinberg
KINGSFORD “PELLETS” | Commercial | Producer | Paradise, Co.
BELLE TIRE “LIBRARY 2.0” | Commercial | Producer | Paradise, Co.
AMAZON “JOB FIT” | Commercial | Producer | Paradise, Co.
NAKED JUICE “STRIPPED” | Commercial | Producer | Paradise, Co.
BELLE TIRE “LIBRARY” | Commercial | Producer | Paradise, Co.
RUPAUL’S DRAG RACE “RUVEAL” | Reality Show | Production Manager | Vh1
AMAZON “JOB FIT” | Commercial | Producer | Paradise, Co.
FAN DUEL “UNTITLED” |Commercial | COVID Coordinator | Arts & Sciences
AXE “KENOBI” | Commercial Coordinator | Fresh Film
OROWEAT “UNTITLED” | Commercial | Production Coordinator | The Mill+
PEARLE VISION “NOW MORE THAN EVER” | Commercial | Producer | Paradise, Co
SARGENTO “UNTITLED” | Commercial | Production Manager | French Butter, LTD
BLUE BUNNY “2020 Assets” | Commercial | Production Manager | Qurosity
UA “PLUMBER’S ASSOCIATION” | Commercial | Production Coordinator | Andrew Dryer
JACK DANIELS “APPLE” | Commercial | Commercial Coordinator | Optimus
KNOLL “CASE STUDIES” | Commercial | Producer | Good Trouble Films
CANDYMAN | Feature Film | Assistant to Director Nia DaCosta | MonkeyPaw Productions & MGM
LUNCHABLES “UNTITLED” | Commercial | Talent Coordinator | Rakish
McDONALD’S “BLACK & POSITIVITY GOLDEN” | Commercial | Commercial Coordinator | Quriosity
McDONALD’S QPC | Commercial | Commercial Coordinator | MJZ
MORNING STAR | Commercial | Commercial Coordinator | Optimus
MORNING STAR FARMS “UNTITLED" | Commercial | Commercial Coordinator | Optimus
TYSON “GRILLED & READY” | Commercial | Commercial Coordinator | One at Optimus
VOUGE x NEIMAN MARCUS “A NIGHT A NEIMAN’S w/ TARAJI” | Commercial | Commercial Coordinator | Art Class
IL OFFICE OF TOURISM | Commercial | Prep Commercial Coordinator | BackYard Productions
LINKEDIN “TRANSFORM” | Commercial | Commercial Coordinator | NonFiction Unlimited
JORDAN BRAND “PROJECT UNITE” | Commercial | Commercial Coordinator | NoCo Productions
JAMILA WOODS “BALDWIN” | Music Video | Producer | Good Trouble Films & VAM Studio
RED ROBIN “WHAT/WHO?” | Commercial | Commercial Coordinator | French Butter, LTD
KAINA FT. SEN “COULD BE A CURSE” | Music Video | Producer | Good Trouble Films & VAM Studio
ESPERANZA SPAULDING “LEST WE FORGET”| Music Video | Producer | Good Trouble Films & VAM Studio
VIC MENSA X WOLVERINE | Photoshoot | Producer | Zoe Rain Photography
LUPE FIASCO “AIR CHINA” | Music Video | 1st Assistant Director | Independent
JAMILA WOODS “EARTHA” | Music Video | Producer | VAM Studio
MOTHER NATURE “PRESSURE” | Music Video | Producer | Good Trouble Films & New Trash, LLC
MYKELE DEVILLE “LIVE AT LINCOLN HALL” | Live Event Coverage | Producer | Good Trouble Films
ATT (312) Day | Live Event Coverage | Producer | Good Trouble, LLC
LAURA JANE GRACE “I HATE CHICAGO” | Music Video | Producer | Good Trouble Films
BMB “CAPITAL HILL” | Music Video | Producer | Cinema Libertad (Created with Netflix for Rythym and Flow Series)
COMED “UNTITLED” | Commercial | Commercial Coordinator | Norman Brothers
MAYORAL CAMPAIGN COMMERCIAL | Commercial | Commercial Coordinator | The WIN Company
CARS.COM “THE BIG MATCH” | Commercial | Commercial Coordinator | Radar Studios
McCAFÉ “MORNING PICK ME UP” | Commercial | Commercial Coordinator | The Reserve Label
GOOD GENES | Web Series | Line Producer | Protea Film, LLC
THE CHI “SEASON 2” | Photoshoot | Commercial Coordinator | CAMP Productions
SAMSUNG “FORTNITE” | Commercial | Commercial Coordinator| Furlined, Inc
STATE MATTERS “MIDTERM BALLOT” | Commercial | Producer
ANNE-MARIE “PERFECT” | Music Video | Commercial Coordinator | Strange Loop, Inc (Post Production)
WALGREENS/SECOND CITY “SAVE A TRIP” | Commercial | Production Coordinator | Strange Loop, Inc
H&M “FALL MEN’S” w/ JAVY BAEZ | Photoshoot | Producer | Who Say, Inc
GLAD PRESS’N SEAL | Commercial |Commercial Coordinator | Hungry Man, Inc
NBC CHICAGO FIRE, PD, & MED “ONE NIGHT, ONE CITY, ONE JOB” | Commercial | Commercial Coordinator | Moving Parts, Inc
MYKELLE DEVILLE “FREE SOUL” | Music Video | Producer | New Trash
VALEE “JUICE AND GIN” | Music VIdeo | Producer | Def Jam Recordings
TOUR MANAGER | Short Film | Producer (Post Production)
FEDEX “SOCIALIZATION” | Commercial | Producer | IA Collective
BAYER/ALEVE “THAT FEELING WHEN” | Commercial | Producer | Who Say, Inc
BOB EVANS “SPRING SHOOT” | Commercial | Commercial Coordinator | MJZ. Inct
NIKE FORCE IS FEMALE | Commercial | Producer | Nike Women Chicago
FLORA “SLEEP” | Music Video | Producer
GENESYS WORKS “A DAY IN THE LIFE” | Commercial | Producer | Over At Friends, LLC
CLR “MESSY ENOUGH | Commercial | Commercial Coordinator | Gaffney Films
MACI “IT’S YOUR MOVE”| Commercial | Commercial Coordinator | The Mill, Inc
AVANTIST “RED BIBLE” | Music Video | Producer | New Trash, LLC
LAND ROVER “WELL STORIED” | Commercial | Assistant Commercial Coordinator | The Bigger Picture
WHAT THEY HAD| Feature Film | Assistant to Hilary Swank | Unified Pictures
ACE HARDWARE “GREEN THUMB” | Commercial | Assistant Production Coordinator | DeeMac Productions
MILLER LITE “YOURS/TUYA”| Commercial | Commercial Coordinator | Sibling/Rivalry
GRINGO | Feature Film | 2nd Assistant to Nash Edgerton | Amazon Studios
NICK AND TED " WOLF PACT"| Digital Sketch | Producer
NICK AND TED "FINGER GUNS" | Digital Sketch | Producer
NICK AND TED "REVERSE THE CURSE" ) | Digital Sketch | Producer
NICK AND TED "SOCIAL VICTIMS UNIT" | Digital Sketch | Producer
NICK AND TED "BLOOD-SKETBALL" | Digital Sketch | Producer
NICK AND TED "ECONOMIC SANTA" | Digital Sketch | Producer
NICK AND TED " HARD YOGA" | Digital Sketch | Producer
TAIYLAR BALL “DEAR BLACK GIRLS” | Web Content | Producer | We Are Famous
— Hey, If you’ve scrolled all the way down here, you might as well shoot me an email and connect… it’s fate.